Check out my updated Wharton MBA Interview Questions and preparation guide for the most up to date list of questions.
Now that I have been invited to a Wharton interview, I am spending as much time as I can prepping for interview. In the spirit of teamwork and cooperation, I’ll share with you the most common Wharton interview questions I found on Clear Admit. I only included questions from interviews that happened in the past two years, since the Wharton interview format changed. I don’t think that the older interviews are relevant anymore. If questions were asked to more than one person on a Clear Admit interview report then I put the number of times in parentheses.
Wharton Interview Questions:
1) Describe your views of the Team Based Discussion. (7)
2) Do you have any questions for me? (6)
3) Do you have any updated to your application? (4)
4) What extracurricular at Wharton? (4)
5) Was your behavior in the Team Based Discussion representative of the way you typically act in a group setting? (4)
6) Walk me through your resume. (4)
7) Why MBA? (2)
8) What could you have done differently as a team? (2)
9) Why Wharton? (2)
10) Tell me about a time you had to persuade others. (2)
11) What are your post MBA goals? (2)
12) What specific quality or qualities do you hope to hone at Wharton?
13) Tell me about one time you had to overcome an obstacle working in a group and what you would do differently if you had to do it again?
14) Tell me about a time you failed and what you learned.
15) What are the 3 top qualities you think a leader should have?
16) What are 3 qualities you look for in a business school, especially our school
17) Why now?
18) What do you do in free time?
19) Tell me about a time you faced a leadership challenge.
20) Tell me about a time when you worked in a group in which everyone did not agree and how did your team resolve the situation?
21) What do you think worked well in the Team Based Discussion?
It seems that pretty much everyone is asked how they thought the team based discussion went and everyone is given the chance to ask questions at the end. Beyond that there are four other questions that are asked frequently, which you should prepare for. Good luck in your Wharton interview! Check out my MBA Interview Preparation Guide for more tips.